You are able to complete your daily check-in directly within your Lark application on the "Coach" screen. After Lark reviews your daily updates, you will be asked if you would like to complete the daily check-in for your current mission. Additional screenshots of this process are featured below.
Completing a Daily Check-In
1. Open your Lark application.
2. Begin interacting with your Lark coach by having a conversation on the "Coach" screen.
3. During your conversation, your Lark coach will ask you if you would like to complete the daily check-in for your mission.
4. Select the affirmative response to begin your daily check-in.
5. Respond to the daily check-in prompts or activities from your Lark coach.
6. Once you complete the daily check-in, your Lark coach will send you a message letting you know that you have completed the mission's daily check-in. Your coach will additionally message you a graphic like the one below that indicates how many days you completed a daily check-in.
Additionally, participants in some Lark programs have access to a new feature called the My Lark Dashboard that centralizes your mission activity in one location. From the new My Lark dashboard, you can start a mission check-in by tapping on the corresponding button.